Cat Drawing Tutorial for kids | Step-by-Step

Unleash the inner artist in your kids with this fun and easy cat drawing tutorial! With step-by-step instructions and tips, you and your little ones can create some beautiful cat drawings that everyone will enjoy. So let the creative juices flow and have some fun together with your Kids!

Draw the Outline of Your Cat Drawing

Start by lightly sketching the outline of your cat. Use a pencil and draw the body of the cat, starting with the head and neck, followed by the back and tail.

outline the cat drawing

Then add two ears, four legs, and a tummy to complete the shape of your cat’s body. Finally, draw two oval-ish eyes as far apart as you would like them to be.

Start Filling Details In Drawing

Now that you have your cat’s basic body shape, you can start filling in more details. Add fur around the ears and tail, and be sure to make the limbs slightly thicker than lines indicated in your sketch.

Start Filling Details In Drawing

If you wish to add patterns or spots, now is the time. Then draw two little whale-shaped noses at the front of your cat’s face. Finally, finish off those eyes you drew earlier by adding pupils and defining their shape further.

Outline the Ears, Tail, and Whiskers

Using your sketch or freehand drawing as a guideline, draw 2 curved triangle shapes to create ears on top of the head. Draw a long curved line from the back of your cat’s body down for the tail.

Outline the Ears, Tail, and Whiskers of the cat

To add whiskers, draw two lines coming out on either side of the nose, with multiple shorter curved lines radiating out from them. Then erase any guidelines you made in the beginning so that your cat appears clean and complete.

Add Fur Detail to the Body and Head Of Cat Drawing

To create the fur on your cat’s body and head, start to draw short strokes in varying directions over the entire surface of your cat drawing. Don’t be afraid to layer them, as cats have a particularly thick coat of fur that varies in length throughout their bodies.

Add Fur Detail to the Body and Head Of Cat Drawing

Finally, add heavier fur detail around the eyes and cheeks to make them more visible.

Color In the Picture and Add Accessories!

Now that you’re done sketching out your cat, you can bring it to life with colors and accessories. Choose a color pallet for your cat and fill in the forms you made earlier.

Color In the Picture and Add Accessories!

You can also add final details such as eyes and stripes using pens or markers. Don’t forget to add the pet’s accessories, like a collar or a bow-tie! If your child loves colors, don’t limit them – let their imagination go wild!


What is the best way to get started for kids?

Drawing cats is a great way to teach children the basics of art. It can help them develop their skills in drawing and give them a sense of accomplishment. With the right tools and guidance, kids can learn how to draw cats with ease. This tutorial will provide an easy-to-follow guide for beginners who want to get started with cat drawing. It will cover topics such as the materials needed, basic shapes, and techniques for creating realistic fur textures. By following this tutorial, kids will be able to create their own unique cat drawings in no time!

What materials do I need ?

To complete the cat drawing tutorial for kids, you will need a pencil, eraser, paper and coloring supplies such as crayons or markers. Optionally you may wish to also have a ruler or other drafting tools for making precise lines.

How long does it take to complete a cat drawing tutorial?

Cat drawing tutorials can be a great way to learn how to draw cats in a variety of poses and styles.

Depending on the complexity of the tutorial, it can take anywhere from a few hours to several days to complete one.

The time required will vary based on the skill level of the artist, the type of tutorial being used, and the amount of time available for practice. With patience and dedication, anyone can master cat drawing with these tutorials!

Common mistakes made when drawing cats?

Drawing cats can be a challenging task, even for experienced artists. When attempting to draw a cat, there are many common mistakes that can be made. These mistakes include not paying attention to the anatomy of the cat, not using the right proportions, and not paying attention to details such as fur texture and whiskers. Additionally, some artists may have difficulty capturing the unique personality of each individual cat in their drawings. By understanding these common mistakes and taking steps to avoid them, artists can create beautiful drawings of cats that capture their unique personalities and characteristics.

What are the basic steps?

Drawing a cat can be a fun and rewarding experience. It is also an excellent way to practice your drawing skills. In this tutorial, we will go over the basic steps involved in drawing a realistic cat. We will discuss the different tools and materials that you need, as well as some tips and tricks for getting the most out of your drawing experience. By following these steps, you’ll be able to create an amazing piece of artwork that you can proudly display or give to someone special. So let’s get started!

How can I make sure my cat drawings look realistic and lifelike?

Drawing cats can be a great way to express your creativity and bring them to life. But getting the details right and making sure that they look realistic and lifelike can be a challenge. To help you achieve this goal, there are some tips that you can follow to make sure your cat drawings look as close to real life as possible.

The first step is to observe cats in real life, taking note of their features such as fur color, markings, facial expressions, body shape, etc. You should also pay attention to the lighting and shadows in the environment around them. This will help you get an idea of how they appear in different situations and will give you a better understanding of how cats look in real life.

Next, use reference photos when drawing cats so that you have an accurate representation of what they should look like. This will also help you get the details right such as fur color or markings on their face or body. Finally, practice makes perfect! Keep

Are there any special techniques that can be used when creating cat drawings?

Cat drawings can be a great way to express your creativity and bring out your inner artist. Whether you are an experienced artist or just starting out, there are a few special techniques that you can use when creating cat drawings. These techniques include using perspective and shading to create depth, as well as understanding the anatomy of cats in order to accurately portray them on paper. With these tips and tricks, you can create beautiful cat drawings that will impress your friends and family!

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